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CommonAPI C++

Azada Shams
Thu, Jun 4, 2020 3:20 PM


I am trying to get acquainted with Genivi Common API. Based on the given
tutorial, I have installed Franca and Genivi CommonAPI Generators on
Eclipse CDT. However, after creating a simple C++ project along with a  *.fidl
*file ( RMI Interface), the CommonAPI C++ code generator did not generate
any C++ code. What could have gone wrong?

This is really important.

Thank you


Hello, I am trying to get acquainted with Genivi Common API. Based on the given tutorial, I have installed Franca and Genivi CommonAPI Generators on Eclipse CDT. However, after creating a simple C++ project along with a *.fidl *file ( RMI Interface), the CommonAPI C++ code generator did not generate any C++ code. What could have gone wrong? This is really important. Thank you Azada