[GENIVI/W3C] Common Vehicle Interface Initiative (CVII) - Workshop 1 July materials

Philippe Robin (GENIVI)
Tue, Jul 6, 2021 7:01 PM


Apologies if you receive several instances of this email.

GENIVI and W3C CVII team would like to thank you for your participation to
the CVII workshop last Thursday 1 July.

The topics presented raised a lot of interest from the attendees and your
questions and comments confirmed the CVII work is moving into the right

The slide decks and the recording of the workshop are available in the wiki
at: https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/x/BgF4B

We invite you to join the CVII weekly call scheduled on Wednesdays at 17:00
CET / 9am EST where all the projects in the CVII scope deliver their weekly
or bi-weekly  updates. We expect that many of you will join this call in
addition to the solid group of attendees already joining.

weekly call link:

Calendar invite is attached

Salutations cordiales / Best regards

Philippe ROBIN
GENIVI Program Management Office Lead (PMO)

Mobile : 33 (0) 676 41 72 80


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All, Apologies if you receive several instances of this email. GENIVI and W3C CVII team would like to thank you for your participation to the CVII workshop last Thursday 1 July. The topics presented raised a lot of interest from the attendees and your questions and comments confirmed the CVII work is moving into the right direction. The slide decks and the recording of the workshop are available in the wiki at: https://at.projects.genivi.org/wiki/x/BgF4B We invite you to join the CVII weekly call scheduled on Wednesdays at 17:00 CET / 9am EST where all the projects in the CVII scope deliver their weekly or bi-weekly updates. We expect that many of you will join this call in addition to the solid group of attendees already joining. weekly call link: https://zoom.us/j/93458920850?pwd=d3loeFAyUjN3LzM1TzhhV3VRdmY3QT09 Calendar invite is attached -- Salutations cordiales / Best regards _________________________________________________________________________ Philippe ROBIN GENIVI Program Management Office Lead (PMO) Mobile : 33 (0) 676 41 72 80 mailto:philippe.robin@technoveo.com _________________________________________________________________________ Ce message peut contenir des informations confidentielles. S'il ne vous est pas destiné, merci de le détruire et d'informer immédiatement son émetteur. This message may contain information that are confidential. If you are not the intended recipient, please advise the sender immediately and delete this message.