Hi Everyone,
This is to inform you that we will shut down this mailing list and
recommend moving all discussions regarding AudioManager to its GitHub
repository location instead. This decision was taken together with the
repository maintainer, Martin Koch.
The repository is currently located at:
and its future location is being discussed with the maintainer.
Best Regards,
[1] https://www.covesa.global/
[2] https://wiki.covesa.global/
Gunnar Andersson <gandersson ~AT~ covesa.global>
Technical Lead
Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA)
Hi Everyone,
This is to inform you that we will shut down this mailing list and
recommend moving all discussions regarding AudioManager to its GitHub
repository location instead. This decision was taken together with the
repository maintainer, Martin Koch.
The repository is currently located at:
and its future location is being discussed with the maintainer.
Best Regards,
- Gunnar
[1] https://www.covesa.global/
[2] https://wiki.covesa.global/
Gunnar Andersson <gandersson ~AT~ covesa.global>
Technical Lead
Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA)