Hello again,
Here is a bit more information about the AVPS.
The Automotive Virtual Platform Specification is a collaborative work
with an open source license, intended to be the common specification for
compatible implementations of virtualization platforms for automotive.
It heavily promotes device virtualization standards like VIRTIO in order
to require common APIs that Hypervisors should provide, and complements
this by defining other aspects of a virtual platform that VIRTIO cannot
cover by itself. Those are things like boot protocol and other general
platform requirements, and the project also analyzes how and when to use
hardware-assisted virtualization support while balancing this with the
portability goals, for example at which times other methods may
supersede emulation and paravirtualization approaches.
Those who are working on this specification (JOIN US!) believe it can be
a very useful and important basis the automotive industry and we tend to
get the same positive feedback from OEMs, Hypervisor vendors and
independent technologists (although with the concern that it is
challenging to do).
It is a great, and achievable, goal but the specification doesn't write
If you believe improving the state of virtualization in automotive is
important, the team would like to invite you to join us in the new year.
Don't miss the chance to give your personal and your company's input on
this important part of the automotive technology stack. We CAN have
better and clearer requirements, more portability, and less integration
hassles for multiple operating systems and multiple hypervisor
implementations, if we work together on automotive virtualization.
The meeting is held every Monday at 10.00 AM CET and the work open to
everyone, members and non-members alike, so just get involved.
If the time slot does not suit you, let us know and we can consider
renegotiating the meeting times with everyone who is interested. You
can find the invitation on this mailing list already, or contact us
All the best,
Gunnar Andersson gandersson@genivi.org
Technical Lead
GENIVI Alliance