Hi Everyone,
This is to inform you that we will shut down this mailing list and
recommend moving all discussions regarding Layer Management / Wayland
extension to its GitHub repository location instead.
Per the maintainer's request, the repository will be continued to be hosted
by us and it is now located at:
Best Regards,
[1] https://www.covesa.global/
[2] https://wiki.covesa.global/
Gunnar Andersson <gandersson ~AT~ covesa.global>
Technical Lead
Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA)
Hi Everyone,
This is to inform you that we will shut down this mailing list and
recommend moving all discussions regarding Layer Management / Wayland
extension to its GitHub repository location instead.
Per the maintainer's request, the repository will be continued to be hosted
by us and it is now located at:
Best Regards,
- Gunnar
[1] https://www.covesa.global/
[2] https://wiki.covesa.global/
Gunnar Andersson <gandersson ~AT~ covesa.global>
Technical Lead
Connected Vehicle Systems Alliance (COVESA)