Diagnostic Log and Trace (DLT) Discussion List

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Regarding DLT unittesting

Satish Kumar
Mon, Nov 16, 2020 5:05 PM

Dear All,
I am going through dlt-daemon  source code and would like to know the answers to the below queries
Query-List:1.list out the features that have been covered  under unit testing2 list out the features that have not been covered under unit testing
Any help/suggestions would be appreciated
Thanks,Satish Yaduvanshi

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Dear All, I am going through dlt-daemon  source code and would like to know the answers to the below queries Query-List:1.list out the features that have been covered  under unit testing2 list out the features that have not been covered under unit testing Any help/suggestions would be appreciated Thanks,Satish Yaduvanshi Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android