I might be thinking too simple, and it may be something you already know,
but before you cmake to explicitly link the patched libdbus,
you can set the package search priority by using the following command:
If patched libdbus is installed in /usr/local/lib,
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
I hope this helps
Best Regards,
SeungHyun Yun
------------Original Message------------
Subject : Re: [Genivi-ipc] Guide to build Common API deprecated version
Date : 2018-05-15 00:15:23
From : Gunnar Andersson <gandersson@geniviorg>
To : Suraj Kottayi <surajkottayi@tcscom>
Cc : Ramya Saraswathi <RamyaSaraswathi@tcscom>, Tammanna S
<tammannas@tcscom>, Rabindra Nayak <rabindranayak@tcscom>,
genivi-ipc@listsgeniviorg, JFoster@luxoftcom
By the way, could you remind me why you say 3110 is the recommended
version? From what I can see there are newer versions also, and
3110 looks like it's around 15 years old
On Mon, 2018-05-14 at 18:07 +0530, Suraj Kottayi wrote:
> Hi ,
> We used the genivi recommended version of common-api tools (v
> 3110) and had generated commonapi files out of fidl files However, we
> could not generate some of the cpp files like Browsercpp (which we had
> added manually from media-manager interfaces source code available in
> Github), is it alright to do so? In the cmake files we had to comment
> out the h files which were not generated by commonapi tools After these
> modifications we were able to generate the makefile successfully But at
> the last step of compilation (in the linking phase) we were getting an
> error called "libCommonAPI-Dbusso :undefined reference to
'some dbus
> methods' " Our question is since libCommonAPI-DBusso is
dependent on
> patched version of libdbus (from common api documentation) do we need
> specify the linkage explicitly ? If yes how do we link our code to the
> patched library of dbus provided our system already has a libdbus
> installed in it(unpatched library)?
> If possible can u arrange any help from the so called common api
> maintainer
> With Best Regards
> Suraj Kottayi
> Systems Engineer
> Tata Consultancy Services ,
> Emp Id : 1029321
> MobileNumber : 8086318292
> MailId : surajkottayi@tcscom
> Web site : wwwtcscom
> -----Gunnar Andersson <gandersson@geniviorg> wrote: -----
> To: Suraj Kottayi <surajkottayi@tcscom>
> From: Gunnar Andersson <gandersson@geniviorg>
> Date: 05/11/2018 07:52PM
> Cc: "genivi-ipc@listsgeniviorg"
<genivi-ipc@listsgeniviorg>, Tammanna
> S <tammannas@tcscom>, Prasanna Seshadri
<prasannaseshadri@tcscom>, "ge
> nivi-projects@listsgeniviorg"
<genivi-projects@listsgeniviorg>, Ramya
> Saraswathi <RamyaSaraswathi@tcscom>, Rabindra Nayak
> com>, K Manjunath3 <kmanjunath3@tcscom>, Madhu Chandrashekar
> drashekar@tcscom>, "Foster, Jeremiah"
> Subject: Re: [Genivi-ipc] Guide to build Common API deprecated version
> (214)
> On Fri, 2018-05-11 at 12:59 +0530, Suraj Kottayi wrote:
> > Hi Foster,
> >
> > I have tried to update the common api to the latest version
> > (3110) However the common-api generation through fidl files
> > IDL) are producing codes which are dependent on commonapi-core 214
> For
> > instance MediaTypeshpp ,a file generated from MediaTypesfidl is
> looking
> > for files like CommonPI/InputStreamh ,CommonAPI/typesh which are
> > available in common-api-core v3110
genivi-ipc mailing list
I might be thinking too simple, and it may be something you already know,
but before you cmake to explicitly link the patched libdbus,
you can set the package search priority by using the following command:
If patched libdbus is installed in /usr/local/lib,
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
I hope this helps
Best Regards,
SeungHyun Yun
------------Original Message------------
Subject : Re: [Genivi-ipc] Guide to build Common API deprecated version
Date : 2018-05-15 00:15:23
From : Gunnar Andersson <gandersson@geniviorg>
To : Suraj Kottayi <surajkottayi@tcscom>
Cc : Ramya Saraswathi <RamyaSaraswathi@tcscom>, Tammanna S
<tammannas@tcscom>, Rabindra Nayak <rabindranayak@tcscom>,
genivi-ipc@listsgeniviorg, JFoster@luxoftcom
By the way, could you remind me why you say 3110 is the recommended
version? From what I can see there are newer versions also, and
3110 looks like it's around 15 years old
- Gunnar
On Mon, 2018-05-14 at 18:07 +0530, Suraj Kottayi wrote:
> Hi ,
> We used the genivi recommended version of common-api tools (v
> 3110) and had generated commonapi files out of fidl files However, we
> could not generate some of the cpp files like Browsercpp (which we had
> added manually from media-manager interfaces source code available in
> Github), is it alright to do so? In the cmake files we had to comment
> out the h files which were not generated by commonapi tools After these
> modifications we were able to generate the makefile successfully But at
> the last step of compilation (in the linking phase) we were getting an
> error called "libCommonAPI-Dbusso :undefined reference to
'some dbus
> methods' " Our question is since libCommonAPI-DBusso is
dependent on
> patched version of libdbus (from common api documentation) do we need
> specify the linkage explicitly ? If yes how do we link our code to the
> patched library of dbus provided our system already has a libdbus
> installed in it(unpatched library)?
> If possible can u arrange any help from the so called common api
> maintainer
> With Best Regards
> Suraj Kottayi
> Systems Engineer
> Tata Consultancy Services ,
> Emp Id : 1029321
> MobileNumber : 8086318292
> MailId : surajkottayi@tcscom
> Web site : wwwtcscom
> -----Gunnar Andersson <gandersson@geniviorg> wrote: -----
> To: Suraj Kottayi <surajkottayi@tcscom>
> From: Gunnar Andersson <gandersson@geniviorg>
> Date: 05/11/2018 07:52PM
> Cc: "genivi-ipc@listsgeniviorg"
<genivi-ipc@listsgeniviorg>, Tammanna
> S <tammannas@tcscom>, Prasanna Seshadri
<prasannaseshadri@tcscom>, "ge
> nivi-projects@listsgeniviorg"
<genivi-projects@listsgeniviorg>, Ramya
> Saraswathi <RamyaSaraswathi@tcscom>, Rabindra Nayak
> com>, K Manjunath3 <kmanjunath3@tcscom>, Madhu Chandrashekar
> drashekar@tcscom>, "Foster, Jeremiah"
> Subject: Re: [Genivi-ipc] Guide to build Common API deprecated version
> (214)
> On Fri, 2018-05-11 at 12:59 +0530, Suraj Kottayi wrote:
> > Hi Foster,
> >
> > I have tried to update the common api to the latest version
> > (3110) However the common-api generation through fidl files
> > IDL) are producing codes which are dependent on commonapi-core 214
> For
> > instance MediaTypeshpp ,a file generated from MediaTypesfidl is
> looking
> > for files like CommonPI/InputStreamh ,CommonAPI/typesh which are
> > available in common-api-core v3110
genivi-ipc mailing list